Friday, December 23, 2016

Seasons Bleedings From Antediluvian Salad

Something went very wrong at the North Pole… reindeer, red, Santa getting scalped, Nanuqsaurus, northern mega-troodontids, elf gulping azhdarchids, flesh antlers - it all goes together splendidly!! And flesh antlers… OF COURSE FLESH ANTLERS!! The doom like state of the world address should really inspire me to new heights of bizarrely grotesque disturbing hyper violent macabre grande guignol splendor!! AWESOME BRO!!

Been on a little bit of a break. As you can see from the pic nothing has changed around here… Lots of stuff planned though. But no fucking time. And I do have a rule that when blogging feels too much like work or when I feel that I am putting something out just to put it out, I just don't do it.

Hope you have a flesh ripping x-mas and tear into your presents like that northern mega-troodont tearing into Santa's scalp.

Also I have set up a goal on my patreon page. Once I reach 100$ in monthly support I will begin putting down my pale-fiction vignettes there for patrons to view. Over time consolidated into illustrated pale-fiction. I want to pay various pale-artists to illustrate these vignettes.


  1. Are Mega Troodontids still a thing ?

  2. Are Mega Troodontids still a thing ?

  3. Happy New Year!

    What do you think about the ecology of Ceratosaurus?

  4. thanks beetle boy. Umm I think it was a pretty nasty customer. I'm not so sure that it was specialized for any type of prey as is often suggested. But I think it packed a pretty good bite. However I do think that both Torvosaurus and Ceratosaurus were somehow inferior to Allosaurus in reproductive potential. Not sure how, but that is my suspicion. Best

  5. Thanks for your reply! It's awesome to talk to you, I love your theories and ideas, and I agree with a lot of them. Anyway, I thought perhaps Ceratosaurus's smaller size might be better suited to slinking through the undergrowth? I always imagine it as a forest dweller, where as Torvosaurus and Allosaurus live out on the fern savannas. Here's my reconstruction of Ceratosaurus head, kind of speculative and very carunculated and vulture-like:
    This might interest you - I've been creating a field guide to Morrison Formation creatures, most of the guide being completely speculative on behaviours, appearance, even undiscovered components of the ecosystem. Carnivore and herbivore ecology and niche partitioning is of great interest to me, and it's good fun applying it to prehistory. But anyway, I found out about Marshosaurus, which lived in the Morrison Formation. It has much thicker femurs than the other large carnivores, which could have supported a lot of weight, but strangely, Marshosaurus was smaller than Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Allosaurs, all of which had thinner femurs. My conclusion is that Marshosaurus was probably a really slow runner and was probably a scavenger/ambush predator, using ferocity and possibly intimidating displays such as erectile tissue, wattles, and feathers to make itself look bigger, and get its own way at a carcass, even when standing up to larger theropods.
    Nice talking to you, and sorry for going on a bit.
